13 March 2012

Value pack for the next models.

Reading time: 1 minutes

Samsung will update the next models with a special ”value pack” update.
– Samsung I9000 Galaxy S.
– Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus.
– Samsung I9003 Galaxy SL.
– Samsung I8150 Galaxy W.
– Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab.

This Value pack will be available upcoming months.
You could get a update via KIES or OTA (over the air)

What means:  ”value pack”
A value pack is a special update for smartphones to give them a extra boost.
This value pack will give you things like facelock, small interface changes, battery and speed.
All value packs are based on Android 2.3.6!

If you are a Galaxy S owner you can test the Samsung ”value pack” via firmware:  I9000XXJVU.
