28 June 2012

Android 4.1 or a Value pack

Reading time: 2 minutes

Yesterday Google introduced Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.
A couple of minutes after that we tweeted that the Galaxy SIII will get an Android 4.1 update in Q3 of 2012.
This is not entirely strange because the Galaxy SIII is Samsung's biggest smartphone at the moment.
Not only the Galaxy SIII will get Android 4.1 also the Galaxy Nexus.
After the announcement from Google people start asking us about updates for the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note.
At the moment we really don't know if Samsung will update the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note to Android 4.1.
A possible option is that Samsung will give you a value pack update on Android 4.0.4 for the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note, like Samsung also did with the Galaxy S.

So we will see Android 4.0.4?
Yes, you will see Android 4.0.4.

Android 4.0.4 is at the moment under development for the Galaxy SII, this has been confirmed by our insider. When the update will come out is still a question but it will be in one a two months.
The Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note are one of the biggest phones by Samsung after the Galaxy SIII at the moment.

We hope Samsung will make some statement about the upcoming Android updates for all Android devices.
We understand that some people will be mad if Samsung decide to stop updating the most phones after 4.0.4.
But Samsung must draw a line somewhere of updates for marketing and producing new models.

We just sended a email to Samsung regarding the update schedule.