9 July 2012

Confirmed: Samsung start Android 4.0.4 updates for Galaxy SII

Reading time: 1 minutes

Remember we tweeted about Android 4.0.4 for the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note…
Today the second firmware with Android 4.0.4 for the Galaxy SII has been released by Samsung officially.
This update is specially for Russia. Make sure you have the latest version of KIES or update your phone by using OTA. (Over the air)
You are also able to download the this rom thought our firmware page as usual www.SamFirmware.com

Details about the firmware.
Android: 4.0.4
Build date: July 5
Changelist: 837163

Every Galaxy SII owner will get Android 4.0.4 by the next couple of months.
You will be able to update your device by Samsung KIES or over the air.

Thank tip