19 July 2013

Provider Telstra (Australia) confirms Galaxy Note II 4G skipping 4.2.2

Kunal G.

Reading time: 1 minutes

Last week the first rumour showed up regarding the Android 4.2.2 update for the Galaxy Note II and Galaxy S III. Today Telstra (Australia) has confirmed that Samsung will skip the Android 4.2.2 update for the Galaxy Note II 4G. Now we are not sure what Samsung plans to-do. At this moment the Android 4.2.2 update for the Galaxy SIII looks to be ready. The only question is will Samsung update or wait and go straight ahead with the Android 4.3 updates which isn't announced by Google yet.

Don't forget that provider Telstra (Australia) is talking about the Galaxy Note II 4G.

Samsung have elected globally to skip the 4.2.2 update for this device and will instead go to a newer version of Android. No schedule has been provided for this update.


Thanks Damian Kidd source