13 January 2014

Breaking: Android 4.4.2 KitKat rolling out to Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N9005)

Abhijeet Mishra

Reading time: 1 minutes

Surprise, surprise! It looks like Samsung has begun rolling out the Android 4.4.2 update for the Galaxy Note 3 earlier than expected! The update seems to have begun rolling out in Poland via Kies for the Snapdragon (quad-core variant), and while we haven't received confirmation yet, it should be making its way to devices over the air as well. The build number of the update N9005XXUENA6, same as the firmware that we leaked over the weekend, so it looks like Samsung deemed it stable enough to make it official.

As always, it will be a few days or weeks before the update reaches all regions and users. For now, if you're not willing to wait, you can check for the update via Kies if you're in Poland, or grab the firmware for the update from our firmware page to update manually (remember to make a free TeraFile account for faster download speeds and to be able to download the > 1GB file).

Firmware info:

  • Model: SM-N9005
  • Country: Poland
  • Version: Android 4.4.2
  • Changelist: 340325
  • Build date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 14:20:24 +0000
  • Product Code: XEO
  • PDA: N9005XXUENA6
  • CSC: N9005OXXENA5