Here's the statement (translated):
To ensure a pleasant and smooth user experience with Samsung products for our customers, we recommend that only original accessories from Samsung to use. Of course, customers can continue to rely on third-party accessories. The full functionality of our devices and accessories, however, can only be ensured with genuine Samsung components, since only in this way it is ensured that equipment and accessories are perfectly matched. A correlation between the Android version 4.4 and the supposed incompatibility of third-party accessories does not exist.
Well, that's commendable Samsung, but what about those who now have non-working accessories sitting around just because they wanted to get the latest and greatest version of Android? While there are a few workarounds available for the issue, they are far from perfect for normal consumers. It's possible Samsung made a few changes that unintentionally resulted in incompatibility with accessories like Spigen's S-View flip cover, but again, it's one that is affecting consumers who spent a lot of cash on Samsung's latest phablet, so here's hoping the company itself looks at a solution and implements it soon.