It seems US carriers have chosen today for updating quite a few of Samsung's phones to Android 4.4.2
KitKat. Sprint will be
rolling out KitKat to the Galaxy Note II as we reported just moments ago, and it turns out that the
Galaxy S III on US Cellular will be getting the update as well, which isn't surprising as we recently saw the carrier mention Android 4.4.2
right on its official page for Samsung's third-generation Galaxy S flagship. The rollout has apparently been going on since last night, so you might be able to pull it from the Settings » General » About phone » Software updates menu right away, though may not work for some folks.
Expect the update to bring the same old features that we've been seeing in KitKat updates, including advanced location control, camera shortcut and full-screen album art on the lockscreen, KNOX 2.0, white status bar icons, wireless printing support, SMS and launcher app selection, expanded emoji icons, and performance improvements.