28 January 2015

Samsung patents solution to migrate homescreen layout from phone to phone

Yash G.

Reading time: 1 minutes

How often have you wished to have the ability to migrate your homescreen layout from one Android phone to another? Although some third party launchers allow a functionality that's remotely close to this, no service really offers a foolproof solution. One would expect Android to include such a service by default, but that's unfortunately not the case. That's where Samsung's new patent kicks in; the company has reserved the rights to a feature like that, which it will most probably include in future releases.

Using this feature, you would save time on re-installing all apps and trying to get used to the look and feel of your new phone… Samsung's service will make it feel exactly like the old one, at least as far as the homescreen layout is concerned. What's best is that the two devices don't actually need to be in physical proximity, for the service will work over the cloud.

With the TouchWiz layout receiving a cosmetic bump with the Lollipop release, services like the one documented here could really win Samsung the favour it lost in recent years for the TouchWiz UI. Don't you think?

samsung-home-screen-patent-640x685 samsung-home-screen-patent-flow-chart-640x657
