27 February 2015

Montblanc slip up reveals luxury leather covers for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge

Adnan Farooqui

Reading time: 1 minutes

Last year Samsung teamed up with Montblanc, a company widely known for its luxury writing instruments, to create some luxury accessories for the Galaxy Note 4 and the Galaxy Note Edge. It appears that the two companies are collaborating again this year as pictures of Montblanc cases for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge were posted on the company's own website before being taken down. The pictures were accompanied by an article titled “New Luxury Leather Covers for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge.”

The cases themselves don't reveal anything new about the two smartphones that we aren't already aware of. It just confirms that for the people who prefer the finer things in life there will be an option to drop presumably a couple of hundred dollars to secure their new Samsung smartphone.





