According to a new report from Korea, Samsung has decided to change from its old ‘Waterfall' methodology to ‘Agile' for the
Galaxy S7 which could shorten development by up to 1 or 2 months. The Agile methodology implies creating a project with simple beginnings and building it up by splitting development into modules which are completed as fast as possible. The project gets tested and evaluated every time a module gets finished but the main advantage of this method is that the product can easily be changed mid-way due to the flexibility of modular development. This goes in contrast with Waterfall development which basically implies a very precise plan, and once you finish a certain stage of the project you can no longer go back.
If Samsung switched to Agile development then they could finish developing the Galaxy S7 as soon as December, which puts a much earlier launch perspective for the flagship in 2016. It remains to be seen if this switch from Waterfall methodology to Agile will bring us the next flagship earlier or not, but in the meantime let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment.
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