Construction worker Daniel Ramirez says that his Galaxy S7 edge caught fire in his pocket as he was working at a bookstore in Ohio. A product liability lawsuit has now been filed against Samsung and it calls on the company to address the safety of batteries in the Galaxy S7 edge “in light of the terrible injuries caused by at least one of their phones.” The firm that filed this lawsuit on behalf of Ramirez encourages users whose Samsung smartphone caught fire to get in touch with them.
The lawsuit says that Ramirez had his Galaxy S7 edge in his pant pocket the entire time and soon after he started working, he noticed that the handset was “whistling, screeching, and vibrating” and that smoke was coming out of it. When he reached into his pocket to take out the phone, Ramirez suffered burns to the right hand. The Galaxy S7 edge is then said to have exploded “without warning,” catching fire when it was still inside his pocket, leaving Ramirez with second and third-degree burns. Some graphic pictures showing the burns have been posted on the firm's website.
It merits mentioning here that all reports of the Galaxy Note 7's battery exploding had one thing in common: the handset was being charged when the battery overheated and exploded. It can't be said for sure right now how the Galaxy S7 edge exploded while it was inside a pocket as claimed in the lawsuit. Samsung is yet to comment on the matter.