2 November 2016

[Poll Results!] Is Samsung too slow in rolling out monthly security updates?

Asif Iqbal Shaik

Reading time: 1 minutes

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Google started focusing on providing regular security patches to Android devices ever since the Stagefright bug was discovered. Even Samsung promised that it would roll out monthly security patches to its smartphones. However, we've noticed that Samsung isn't fulfilling its promise.

The South Korean smartphone giant has been releasing monthly security patches only in a few markets. In other markets, the security patches are either not being rolled out until the end of the month or not being rolled out at all. Oddly, the company is rolling out regular security patches only to mid-range devices in some markets like India, but not to the high-end ones.

Poll Results: As per the results, a majority (a whopping 77%) of our readers who voted in this poll think that Samsung is too slow in rolling out monthly security updates to its smartphones and tablets. Only 17% voters believe that Samsung is better than other brands in this regard. Around 6% voters say that they're happy as long as their devices run smooth.

What do you think about Samsung's pace of rolling out monthly security patches?
  • Yes, they're too slow in rolling out security updates 39%, 2205 votes
    2205 votes 39%
    2205 votes - 39% of all votes
  • Yes, they're too slow in rolling out security updates 39%, 2205 votes
    2205 votes 39%
    2205 votes - 39% of all votes
  • At least they're better than other brands in this regard 8%, 479 votes
    479 votes 8%
    479 votes - 8% of all votes
  • At least they're better than other brands in this regard 8%, 479 votes
    479 votes 8%
    479 votes - 8% of all votes
  • I don't care much about security updates as long as my phone runs smoothly 3%, 173 votes
    173 votes 3%
    173 votes - 3% of all votes
  • I don't care much about security updates as long as my phone runs smoothly 3%, 173 votes
    173 votes 3%
    173 votes - 3% of all votes
Total Votes: 5714
2 November 2016
Voting is closed