Samsung launched its #BeFearless series earlier this year. The series brings us stories of people who have used the company's virtual reality technology to conquer their fears. Samsung has already highlighted many stories of people who have been able to conquer their fear of heights or public speaking with just a Samsung smartphone and a Gear VR headset. This initiative has now been expanded to Canada.
The #BeFearLess experience relies on the Galaxy S7 and Gear VR headset. It's a four-week gamified VR experience developed in partnership with Facebook and Oculus. It gradually exposes users to typical situations in a controlled environment. The height module starts off from a glass elevator and progresses to a drive along a cliff. Public speaking scenarios start off with casual conversations and can go up to virtual karaoke.
“We hope this inspires Canadians to experience the global movement. Following its success in Europe, Russia and the United Arab Emirates, we're proud to join eight other countries to help even more people realize their full potential,” said Mark Childs, Chief Marketing Officer at Samsung Canada.
Those who want to join this “movement” in Canada can visit Samsung's website to get more information on how to join. The #BeFearless demo modules will be available at Samsung Experience Stores across Canada.