As always, Samsung is being extremely timely about releasing the open source files for new devices. The Korean manufacturer has now posted the kernel source for both the Galaxy Note 3 and the Galaxy Gear, to let developers tinker with it to their heart's content. In case of the Note 3, there's source for two models – the T-Mobile variant, SM-N900T, and for the SM-N900W8, with the latter's source actually released on the same day as the Note 3 was launched. Oh, and there's firmware available for the phablet in our firmware section as well, so if you're a developer, there's nothing stopping you from getting right down to it.
It will be interesting to see what the development community is able to do with the Galaxy Gear. It's not exactly a smartphone, but hey, I'm sure there will be some whizbang developments that make the smartwatch more interesting than it currently is. Download links are below, go grab 'em.
Via | Source: Galaxy Note 3 | Galaxy Gear