Samsung has been adamant in its use of plastic on all of its Android smartphone, be it a device on the extreme low-end or a flagship phone like the Galaxy S5. In case of the latter, while plastic remained the key choice of material, Samsung adopted a new perforated textured back that makes the handset feel much more premium than previous devices. In an interview with Engadget, Samsung engineers have spoken out on exactly how they arrived on the look for the Galaxy S5, and also detailed how they tackled other aspects of the fifth-generation Galaxy S.
“Our major aims were usability, friendliness and a more humanistic design. We wanted something with a pleasing feel … and better grip. If we used metal, [we felt] the designs felt heavy and cold,” explains Senior Product Designer Dong Hun Kim. According to Kim, plastic has a warmer feeling, and the band-aid like texture on the back was also “the best at visually expressing volume.” It's perhaps the first time someone at Samsung has spoken out in such an open manner on why plastic remains the clear choice for its phones, though it won't exactly sway those who like to have metal on their devices for the premium feeling.
Also discussed on the interview was how Samsung tackled the software – according to Jeeyeun Wang, Samsung's principal user experience designer, the software team singled out things used most by Galaxy consumers, which included things like camera, browsing and messaging, and focused on improving those, while accepting that the focus with previous smartphones was more on “fancy, showy features … things that you might only use once or twice a year.” It's a clear sign that the company is beginning to understand that it needs to offer a great overall experience in the things that matter, which is the reason the Galaxy S5 doesn't offer too many new features that would be waved off as gimmicks by most.
It's a very interesting interview that explains a lot about the thought process behind the Galaxy S5, so go ahead and check it out at the source link.