It's been less than a week since Samsung's Galaxy Tab S, with its Super AMOLED displays, went official, and the Korean giant is already taking to its blog to showcase some of the tablet's features. Naturally, Samsung is starting with the Super AMOLED displays of the Galaxy Tab S lineup, explaining why they make the Galaxy Tab S the company's best tablete ever (apart from the fact that it is the lightest and thinnest Samsung tablet yet.) As usual, Samsung goes over the fact that its AMOLED displays offer more vivid colors and a truer reproduction of colors compared to LCD displays, deeper blacks, and better power efficiency, especially when coupled with the Ultra Power Saving Mode feature.
There's also an explanation of how Samsung's software adapts the display to various scenarios, such as when reading books or watching videos, and an overview of how Samsung has finally addressed sunlight legibility, which has long been one of the few cons of the company's Super AMOLED displays. Head over to the source link for all the details, and don't forget to read our hands-on of the Galaxy Tab S.