6 July 2014

Latest Samsung Galaxy S5 ad brands iPhone users as 'wall huggers'

Adnan Farooqui

Reading time: 1 minutes

Samsung's first Apple-bashing advertisements were aired back in 2012 when the company poked fun at iPhone fans for waiting in lines while “the next big thing” had already been released, referring to the 2012 flagship Samsung Galaxy S3. Since then the company has aired several such ads for its tablets and smartphones. The latest ad for its current flagship, Galaxy S5, pokes fun at iPhone users for constantly needing a wall outlet to charge their device.

The ad brands iPhone users as “wall huggers,” suggesting that its users have to make do with “stained carpeting and bathrooms” just to be sure that their device has enough power to last the entire day. While they're stuck to the wall an iPhone user enviously looks towards people with Samsung's Galaxy S5, that not only offers a swappable battery put also comes with the Ultra Power Saving Mode that ensures a full day's standby time on just 10 percent battery.

The ad ends by telling users not to be “wall huggers.” This term seems to be catching on. BlackBerry CEO John Chen described iPhone users as wall huggers as well back in March.