4 December 2014

Patent wars continue; Samsung's appeal against $930M damages to Apple begins today

Yash G.

Reading time: 1 minutes


Apple have a history of gathering patents for various design and UI elements. That often doesn't go well with the other biggie in the smartphone market, i.e., Samsung. Although the companies have a thriving relationship with regards to manufacture and supply of certain essential components, the patent wars never really seem to cease. Samsung had earlier faced damages to the tune of $1B, which Samsung later appealed against to get it down to $930M. Reports are afresh pointing at another shot that Samsung's taken to bring the damages further down; Re/code reports that the South Korea giant has filed a brief yet again, with the help of 27 law professors this time.

Apple, as you would expect, isn't too happy with the development, and has put forth the argument that Samsung is doing this in order to spark off an already settled argument. Besides, Samsung is also appealing against another infringement verdict that demands Samsung to pay Apple to the tune of $119.6M. Not long ago, a U.S. court rejected a plea from Samsung against Microsoft, which again had to do with patents.

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