We aren't certain if this is simply a case of self-advertising or otherwise, but a report from Samsung's home country, citing Robert Yi, the company's head of IR, suggests that Samsung intends to launch a new phone this year, which will be an ‘innovative premium handset' with a ‘special function'. Samsung isn't best known for innovation; experimentation is perhaps a better term to describe how Samsung goes about its business. Coming back to the report, it doesn't really mention what phone will incorporate the innovation and the special function, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that the Galaxy S6 (and possible an Edge version thereof) is pretty much the only big thing besides the next Note (which is a fair few months away) happening at the Samsung camps.
There's been plenty discussed about the Galaxy S6, and of course the S6 Edge (which could be known as the Galaxy S Edge). The phone is expected to show up in a little over a month on 2nd of March; we'll know exactly how innovative the phone is then!