After officially unveiling two new beautiful high-end Android smartphones yesterday at its Galaxy Unpacked 2015 event, Samsung has released two promo videos. The first promotional video focussed on the design of the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge, while Samsung is calling the second one as the “official introduction”.
The video showcases all the important aspects of these devices including their sleek new metal-and-glass design, a “revolutionary” 5.1-inch QHD Super AMOLED dual-edge display, the combination 16-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front-facing camera, the all new 14nm Exynos 7420 processor with LP-DDR4 memory, as well as Fast Charging and built-in wireless charging.
The video showcases some aspects and features of the curved display and Samsung's new contact-less payment system; Samsung Pay. A completely new Clear View cover as well as Samsung's battery pack make an appearance in the video as well.