For the fifth year running Samsung is taking part in the Milan Design Week that runs from April 14-19. The video installation which has been set up in the Samsung District in Milan depicts the company's vision and understanding of the Internet of Things. BK Yoon, President and CEO of Samsung Electronics, who also supervises the Samsung Design Center said that the company's design philosophy is to create new possibilities based on its understanding of consumers and their lifestyles.
The video installation is being exhibited under the theme, ‘Embrace: Sensorial Experience' and it consists of two horizontally stacked rings measuring 10 meters in diameter each, hovering above the ground. Both rings create a wavering gap when they begin to rotate and exude abstract images in a vibrant palette of colors. Underneath the unembellished exterior of each ring the interior surface has 36 curved SUHD TV panels “that take you through an immersive passage of the IoT world.”
Aside from this video installation Samsung is also displaying its Chef Collection kitchen appliances and its latest SUHD TVs at the Milan Design Week.