Mega Tiny Corporation has produced the Zero G anti-gravity case for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The Zero G case (in which “G” is short for “gravity”; thus, zero G = zero gravity) allows you to place an iPhone on most normal surfaces, including a whiteboard, mirror, computer display, tile, glass, countertops, and to “some walls,” the company says. The anti-gravity case consists of “suction cup” material on the back that the company says can be conceived as “millions of tiny suction cups” that are all working together simultaneously.
This case defies normal expectations for smartphone cases, and we’re thrilled about the idea. After all, with so many consumers looking for quality protection for their smartphones these days (and with so many companies making promises for $50-$100 a case), a quality case that offers protection plus extra can be hard to find.
Now, Mega Tiny Corporation and its founders, Carl Winans and Wannie Park, have decided to bring the anti-gravity Zero G case to Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and S6 edge. The company made its announcement earlier today via its KickStarter page:
We’re excited to announce that we’re making the Zero G Anti Gravity Case also available for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge!
Winans and Park have said that the Galaxy S6 and S6 edge have outsold expectations, and they’d like to bring their best product to new Galaxy S6/S6 edge customers. Not only will your Galaxy S6 or S6 edge turn heads, but your case for the device(s) will, too.
Winans and Park have already established a fundraiser at KickStarter, with 1,530 backers, $75,975 pledged, and 12 days to go. Galaxy S6 and S6 edge pre-orders should cost $34 each, with the promise of late June shipping estimates for early backers.
Anyone interested in this gravity-defying case should check out the link below. Do you think more cases should be made with gravity in mind?