The Tizen Z1 has been in Bangladesh for a while, but the Grameenphone network just recently got the Samsung Z1 on its own network in the country. And now, with the inauguration of the Z1’s arrival on Grameenphone, the carrier has decided to bring a special deal with it.
Until the middle of May, buyers of the Samsung Z1 will receive 1200 talk minutes and a 6GB 3G data package for free – what Grameenphone calls a “value back” offer. There are some things to keep in mind with this deal, however. Chief among them is the fact that you can only take advantage of this free offer from Grameenphone for 30 days. With that said, don’t wait any longer on this deal than you have to.
Next, the 1200 talk minutes and 6GB data package will be divided over a three-month period, so don’t expect to talk until your ears fall off or your tongue falls out (whichever comes first). Last but not least, the Samsung Z1 will cost BDT 6,900, but the BDT 3,000 deal (1200 talk minutes, 6GB of data) provides some relief to the price tag.
If this deal sounds like one worth taking up, be sure to check out our Z1 hands-on review first, along with the links below.