We found out earlier this month that T-Mobile had started testing the Lollipop update for the Galaxy Note 4. T-Mobile has taken its sweet time to bring Lollipop to this device considering the fact that carriers like AT&T and Sprint have already released Android 5.0 for the Galaxy Note 4. A couple of days back the carrier's senior product manager revealed through Twitter that T-Mobile will start rolling out Android 5.0.1 for the Galaxy Note 4 over-the-air starting Monday.
He was most certainly right, Galaxy Note 4 owners on T-Mobile in the United States are now receiving the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update which comes in at just over 1GB. The update is being rolled out over-the-air so it may take some time before going live across all regions. Those who just can't wait for it can try using Kies to manually pull the update but since its a staggered roll out they might have to end up waiting any way. Lollipop brings a plethora of new features for the Galaxy Note 4 aside from a revamped user interface, stability and performance enhancements.