29 May 2015

Samsung completes Lollipop rollout for Galaxy A lineup with the Galaxy A5

Abhijeet Mishra

Reading time: 2 minutes

This week is turning out to be a good one for owners of Samsung's full metal Galaxy A devices. The Galaxy A7 recently started receiving the Lollipop update, and it is now hitting the Galaxy A5. The Galaxy A3 was the first A series device to get the update, and today marks the day when it is available for all three in at least one region around the world. The Galaxy A5 update is rolling out in Poland, and it comes with build number A500FUXXU1BOE6.

You can expect the same changelog as the OTA for the Galaxy A3 and A7 – a slightly refreshed user interface, increased performance, lockscreen notifications, and more. You can grab the update over the air, via Samsung Kies, or through our firmware database (this is similar to how Kies works, though the installation process is manual and explained fully in our firmware section.) If you don't see a notification for the update on your device in the next day or two, you can force it to show up by heading into the Settings » About device » Software updates menu.

Firmware Details:

Model SM-A500FU
Model name GALAXY A5
Country Poland
Version Android 5.0.2
Changelist 4944491
Build date Thu, 21 May 2015 07:53:55 +0000
Product code XEO