1 June 2015

Newest Samsung Galaxy S6 commercial gives artistic take on “The New Phone Feeling”

Deidre R.

Reading time: 3 minutes

when i rule the world galaxy s6 commercial
Samsung’s commercials have been a strength of the company for some time now, but that statement doesn’t override the weird moments we’ve all witnessed when Samsung botches up a product. The Broadway performance of the Galaxy S4 presentation, for example, left a weird taste in the mouths of CNET’s own Molly Wood as well as other diehard Samsung fans. One in particular said that every time he picked up his Galaxy S4 after that, he quickly put it down because of the nonstop Broadway singing he continued to hear in his head months after the smartphone arrived on the market.

If you still have nightmares about the Galaxy S4 Broadway presentation from two years ago, get ready to be slightly more terrified. The company has a new video on its YouTube page for the Galaxy S6 – and it’s the most interesting (yet weird) take on the new phone I’ve ever seen.

The company decided to take the Galaxy S6 and make it an “instrument” in the song by Liz titled “When I Rule the World.” The goal is to connect you, the user, to the new phone feeling that you have when you pull your new phone out of the box. Some people want to use certain features of the new phone repetitively the first time because they think they’re cool, they like the fact that they have certain capabilities, and so on. I think we all know what that feeling is like.

In Samsung’s commercial, the new Galaxy S6 user removes the plastic wrapper from her smartphone, turns her phone on, scrolls through her screens, snaps multiple pics, one after the other, and even turns the phone over in her hand multiple times. Liz’s “When I rule the world, I, I rule the world” repetition at the end of the song, followed by the last words, “When I tell you to stop – stop” merges the new phone feeling with the user’s ability to command his or her smartphone to do something more than once.

The Galaxy S6 stays on beat in the song, no doubt, and using your smartphone to add a little instrumentation to a song can be fun. However, the song itself is definitely not the choice I would’ve made for the commercial. Whatever you think of the latest commercial, just be grateful that you’re not in a front row seat at the infamous Broadway performance. You can check out the controversial commercial at the link below.
