A new report from Counterpoint Research shows that after several quarters Samsung has once again taken the lead from Apple in India's premium smartphone market. The report points out that Samsung now has 46 percent market share in the above Rs. 30,000 ($450 approx.) segment of the smartphone market. Samsung was able to achieve this position in the first four months of this year while Apple took second place with 42 percent.
The research firm suggests that the increase in market share has likely been brought about by higher demand for Samsung's latest devices such as the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge, and because of the fact that the Galaxy Note 4 and the Galaxy A7 have proven to be quite popular in that country. Senior analyst at Counterpoint Research Tarun Pathak predicts that due to the fact that Samsung is leveraging its distribution network while making a strong marketing push, it could sell more than one million units quicker that the iPhone 6 in just four months since its launch.