20 June 2016

Samsung's latest campaign for Quantum dot SUHD TVs 'transports' you to new places

Adnan Farooqui

Reading time: 2 minutes

Samsung today announced that it's expanding the “THIS IS TV” brand campaign for Quantum dot SUHD TVs to social media. The online campaign is going to consist of contests and a series of offline events in major cities with the aim to connect consumers with the exceptional picture quality of Samsung Quantum dot SUHD TVs. Consumers can use hashtags #TVTransports and #ThisIsTV to leverage Samsung SHUD TVs and their ability to transport people to places they dream of visiting without ever having to get up from the couch.

The company started its THIS IS TV campaign earlier this year with a series of videos showcasing the value of its Quantum dot SUHD TVs through its features. This latest campaign will enable consumers to physically experiences these products. The offline events begin with Jakarta and will later be expanded to other markets including Sydney, Singapore, Berlin, and Milan. As part of this campaign, Samsung is going to install experience zone in unexpected places which will take unsuspecting attendees to exotic destinations on the true-to-life screens of Samsung Quantum dot SHUD TVs. Consumers' reaction to this surprise will be captured and shared through Samsung's social media channels. Each week winners will also be selected for various prizes that include free travel vouchers and/or the Samsung Quantum dot SHUD TVs as well.
