14 July 2016

Samsung rolls out July SMR to all unlocked variants of the Galaxy S7 in Europe

Josh L.

Reading time: 1 minutes

samsung galaxy s7
Samsung has today started rolling out this month's Security Maintenance Release (SMR) to all unlocked variants of the Galaxy S7 located in Europe. The upgrade itself is identical to the one that the manufacturer started pushing out in the United Kingdom yesterday, bringing a much-needed fix for a critical error that resulted in the Jack audio service enabling malicious applications to access or modify values stored in shared memory.

As we've come to expect from all major and minor firmware updates, the OTA is being pushed out in stages. However, if you'd like to see if its ready for your device simply follow these steps: Settings » About Device » Software Update » Update Now. Alternatively, you can always wait until you receive a push notification prompting you to download the upgrade, but you’ll need to have at least 50% of battery to receive the alert.