9 September 2016

The Consumer Product Safety Commission is assisting Samsung in its recall of the Galaxy Note 7

Josh L.

Reading time: 1 minutes

samsung galaxy note 7 – 14
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has stepped in to assist Samsung in its recall of the Galaxy Note 7 following the firm's discovery that a faulty battery was to blame for at least 35 handsets randomly exploding while on charge.

Earlier today, the CPSC published a statement on its official website revealing that it's working closely with the South Korean company to determine whether a simple exchange program is a sufficient solution to the problem.

Unfortunately, the CPSC hasn't provided a time frame for when it will deliver its decision. We don't expect it to be any time soon, though, seeing as it took the agency over six months to recall malfunctioning ‘hoverboards'.

In the meantime, it's provided Galaxy Note 7 owners with one piece of advice: “Power down the [device] and stop charging it immediately”.