Samsung previously launched a buy one get one free promotion for the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ back in May. It has now launched a similar promotion with a slight change. There's a trade-in condition and Samsung has revealed the devices that it's going to accept as a trade-in for this promotion.
Customers can trade-in a Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6, S6 edge, S6 edge+, Galaxy S7, S7 edge, iPhone 6s, 6s Plus and the iPhone 7, 7 Plus. No other device is eligible for trade-in.
Samsung says that the devices have to meet certain conditions. The phone has to power on and hold charge. It must not have a cracked screen and the display should be functioning. It shouldn't be bricked or blacklisted with no software locks. Normal wear and tear is acceptable.
Customers have to send their trade-in device to Samsung within 15 days of receiving their new device. If the trade-in device is not in good condition or not eligible for trade-in, the customer will have to pay Samsung the full trade-in value.
Those who are willing to trade-in any of the devices mentioned above can get two Galaxy S8s from Samsung for the price of one. They can also get the Galaxy S8+ by paying $100 extra for the second device.
This is a limited time promotion available on and the Shop Samsung App.