Super Evil Megacorp, developers of the popular mobile esport game Vainglory, has confirmed today that the title is going to add full mouse and keyboard support for Samsung DeX in update version 2.8. This will enable Samsung DeX owners to play the mobile game with a mouse and keyboard in DeX mode.
DeX offers PC-like functionality on Samsung's flagship smartphones. It was announced with the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ earlier this year and also supports the Galaxy Note 8. A DeX dock is required to access all of its features.
Vainglory was featured on stage today at Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 event. Powered by the developer's proprietary game engine, this console-grade game will soon be playable with a mouse and keyboard on Samsung DeX.
Samsung DeX owners will be able to experience Vainglory on a big screen through Samsung Game Launcher. They can use a mouse and keyboard to control the gameplay.
“We built Vainglory specifically for mobile devices with unmatched speed and responsive touch controls, but now, with the help of Samsung DeX, we’re taking gameplay to the next level for players who gravitate towards traditional PC gaming, and prefer to play with a mouse and keyboard,” said Tommy Krul, CTO of Super Evil Megacorp.
Vainglory is available as a free download from the Google Play Store. The game's update 2.8 will be out soon.