Samsung's been awarding complimentary Gear VR headsets with pre-orders of its latest flagship smartphones in select regions for a while now, so chances are if you reside in the United States and own a Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S8, you have one lying around somewhere. Or maybe you even purchased a unit.
This got us wondering: How often do you use your Gear VR? Personally, I use mine at least once a week. Be sure to cast a vote in the poll below, then feel free to expand on your answer in the comments section. Come on, let’s get a conversation going! As usual, we’ll be responding to comments submitted on Twitter.
Poll Results: The majority (29%) of voters only used their Gear VR on the first day, while 25% of people use it around one a month. A mere 3% of voters, on the other hand, claim they use their unit on a daily basis, which is certainly something we'd struggle to do. The full set of results can be seen below.