Samsung has issued an update for the Gear Manager application on the Play Store in Brazil (it should make its way to other regions in the near future), which introduces support for the aforementioned wearables. Just install the upgrade, then you'll be good to go.
It's unlikely that any Galaxy J5 or Galaxy J7 customer will have a Gear Fit 2, Gear IconX, Gear S2 or Gear S3 sitting in a drawer waiting to be used, but seeing as they're all mature units, you should be able to pick one up for a respectable price through an authorized retailer.
The Gear Fit2 Pro is a brand new fitness tracker
The Gear Fit2 Pro, on the other hand, is a brand new fitness tracker—so that's the one to go for if you want to purchase a wearable to use with your smartphone. It's pretty similar to its predecessor, though it benefits from the addition of a waterproof body and a traditional clasp.