11 December 2017

Samsung releases new maintenance update for the Galaxy Note 8 in Europe

Josh L.

Reading time: 1 minutes

Samsung has released a maintenance update for the Galaxy Note 8 in Europe. The upgrade bundles a number of bug fixes, including an workaround for a nasty DeX connectivity issue, as well as a new Secure Wi-Fi feature and updated versions of the Calendar, Gallery, Reminder and Voice Recorder applications.

Here's the full changelog:

  • A new Secure Wi-Fi function has been added.
  • Calendar, Gallery, Reminder and Voice Recorder have been updated.
  • Samsung DeX error has been resolved.

Secure Wi-Fi, as we recently noted, is Samsung's in-house VPN. It debuted on the budget-friendly Galaxy J series a while ago, providing users with the option to encrypt all outgoing Internet traffic, thus preventing applications and websites from tracking them as they surf the web on (unsecured) public Wi-Fi networks.

Here's how to check to see if the update is ready for your Galaxy Note 8

To check to see if the OTA is ready for your Galaxy Note 8, open Settings, select Software Update, then tap Download Updates Manually. Alternatively, you can always wait until you receive an alert prompting you to install the upgrade, though that could take longer to arrive—so we’d recommend opting for the former.