29 May 2018

[Update: Galaxy S7 edge, too] Galaxy S7 Oreo update rolling out in Nordic countries

Abhijeet Mishra

Reading time: 2 minutes

galaxy j3 eclipse oreo update
The Galaxy S7 Oreo update has been taking its sweet time to make its way to Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge owners, who have been getting more and more impatient as the months have gone by. Samsung released the Oreo update for the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge a month ago in the UK, halted its rollout to fix a serious issue, then resumed soon after, but the company has been quite slow at expanding availability of the update to other regions. For those in Sweden and other Nordic countries, though, the wait is now coming to an end, a week after Samsung released Oreo for the Galaxy S7 in its home country.

Galaxy S7 Oreo update rolling out in Nordic countries

We have received tips from a couple of users who say the update is available in Sweden. Samsung usually releases major updates to countries in the Nordic region around the same time, and there's no reason that won't be the case this time around as well. Only the Galaxy S7 seems to be getting the update right now, but the Galaxy S7 edge is likely to join the party soon. It's a 1.2 GB download that gets you the new Samsung Experience 9.0 UX (though not every feature from the Galaxy S8 and later flagships is included). The build number is G930FXXU2ERE8, the same as the update that released for the UK earlier. The security patch date, meanwhile, is April 1.

Have you received the Oreo update on your Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 edge? Let us know by leaving a comment; do tell us your country as well, and if you haven't already, you can check if the update is available by going into the Software update menu in the phone's Settings app.

Update: The Galaxy S7 edge has also started receiving the Oreo update for the Nordic region. We have added firmware for both devices to our database as well (Galaxy S7 | Galaxy S7 edge), so you can upgrade manually if you can't get the update over the air.

Thanks for the tip!