WhatsApp is continuously adding new features and improving the existing ones every month. Last month, the company added the feature to use the same WhatsApp number on four additional companion devices, including smartphones. Now, the company is working on improving the Polls feature.
WhatsApp brings single-vote polls and forwarding media with captions
The company announced today on its blog that it is improving some existing features. Starting with Polls, users will now have the option to create single-vote Polls where participants can choose just one of the options. To use this feature, users need to toggle off the ‘Allow Multiple Answers' option. Users can now also search for polls in the chat thread and stay updated on poll activities by getting notifications when people choose options.
The new update will also bring the option to forward images along with the captions beneath them. Right now, when you forward an image that has a caption, only the image gets forwarded. But with the new update, WhatsApp will automatically add captions while forwarding images, and the user will have the option to edit or remove the option before hitting the Send button.
Similarly, the upcoming WhatsApp update will let you add captions while sharing documents. Right now, you can only share documents without captions, but that will change soon. The new update has already started rolling out in a stable version and will expand to everyone in the coming weeks.