WhatsApp has released its first update for the new year. The latest update brings a faster way to react to messages, new camera effects, a way to turn selfies into stickers, and an easier way to share sticker packs.
Let us read more about them in the article.
WhatsApp's new update brings faster message reactions, sticker selfies, and more
Last year, the company unveiled effects for video calls. This year, the company is bringing those effects to regular photos and videos. You can choose any of those 30 effects while capturing photos or videos and send them in chats.
If you are always wanted to turn yourself into a sticker, WhatsApp is making that easier. You can capture a selfie and turn it into a sticker right away. To do this, just tap on the Create Sticker button in the Sticker section, and you will see a camera option. Tap on it and take a selfie of yourself. It will then turn your photo into a sticker.
The update also makes it easier to share a sticker pack. You can share a sticker pack directly in chats.
Message reactions is one of the highest-used features in any messaging app. You can now double tap a message to initiate reactions. Earlier, you had to long-press the message to do it.