Apple’s flagship tablet, the iPad Pro 12.9, is massive in size, and it looks larger than even a few ultrabooks out there. However, according to a new report from The Information, Apple is working on an even larger iPad Pro, and this upcoming model is said to have a 16-inch display. The report claims that the 16-inch iPad Pro will have a mini-LED screen, just like the 12.9-inch model, but more importantly, it will launch in Q4 2023.
Currently, the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, with its 14.6-inch display, holds the title for the tablet with the largest screen size. If the report from The Information is indeed true, the upcoming 16-inch iPad Pro will dethrone the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra of its title.
That being said, by the time the 16-inch iPad Pro makes its debut, Samsung would have launched the Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra. Currently, there’s no information on its display size, but if Samsung wants to hold on to the title for the table with the largest screen size, it will have to bump up the screen size on the Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra.
According to a recent report, the development of the Galaxy Tab S9 series has been delayed, and it could launch in H2 2023. The lineup will still feature three tablets, Galaxy Tab S9, Galaxy Tab S9+, and the Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra.