It looks like Samsung has yet another entry-level smartphone up its sleeve. The Samsung Galaxy V has been spotted in a retail listing originating from Vietnam. This smartphone appears to be geared towards entry level users, no doubt it will be offered at a competitive price point else it really won't be able to compete in the increasingly competitive entry-level market.
Specifications accompanying the retail listing show that the Galaxy V will have a 4-inch 480×854 pixel resolution display and will be powered by a 1.2Ghz processor with 512MB of RAM. A front facing camera appears to be missing while there's a 3 megapixel shooter with LED flash on the back.
There's 4GB of internal storage apart from microSD card support. Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct and Bluetooth 4.0. Powered by Android 4.4.2 the Galaxy V is said to have a 1,500mAh battery providing the juice.
It is not known right now exactly when the Samsung Galaxy V will hit the market, but its believed to have a price tag slightly north of $100.