Despite being shown as the available color options for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge back when the devices were unveiled in March, Blue Topaz and Green Emerald colors were not available for purchase. Just yesterday Samsung announced the launch of these color options and also pointed out that release dates and availability will vary based on market and distribution channels. One of the largest retailers in the United States, Best Buy, is already gearing up to sell these units.
Listings for the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge in both 32GB and 64Gb flavors are already up on Best Buy's website, these listings are for the unlocked versions which means customers will have to pay a pretty penny to get their hands on one of these units. Blue Topaz is exclusive to the Galaxy S6 whereas Green Emerald is only available with the Galaxy S6 edge. Best Buy's listings don't reveal when it will start shipping these units to customers.