A few days back Samsung announced the launch of the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge in Blue Topaz and Green Emerald. The company had shown off these color options when the handsets were unveiled in March but initially it only made the devices available in White Pearl, Black Sapphire and Platinum Gold in almost all markets. Customers in Canada who may have been waiting for these color options might have to keep waiting because Samsung Canada has said that there are currently no plans to bring the Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and Green Emerald Galaxy S6 edge to the country, all while Best Buy gears up to sell them in the United States.
In a statement provided to a local publication Samsung Canada says that there's no information right now on Canadian availability of the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge in the aforementioned colors. Customers in Canada who want to purchase Samsung's latest flagships will have to make do with Black Sapphire, White Pearl or Platinum Gold for now until those options are available. Blue Topaz is exclusively available with the Galaxy S6 whereas the Green Emerald color is exclusive to the Galaxy S6 edge.