Whether an accidental spill or a drop in the swimming pool, we've all been there when our phones have likely suffered water damage. It's not a nice feeling, because nobody wants to lose their phone.
If you've ever frantically searched for advice on how to revive a wet phone online, you'll most definitely have come across the suggestion to leave the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice for a few hours. It doesn't take two brain cells to figure out that this is a stupid idea, and Apple's even gone as far as to advise iPhone users to not do that.
Rice is meant to be eaten, not for drying phones
Granted, this isn't as big of a problem as it once was. Most of our mid-range and high-end Samsung phones, even foldables, are water resistant and can handle even prolonged submersion very well. iPhones are water resistant as well, so exposure to water in normal circumstances won't faze the devices.
However, there may be prolonged instances of exposure which causes the liquid-detection alert to show up on the iPhone's screen. You'll definitely want to prevent the water from causing any damage to the phone. The general myth that a lot of people swear by is that dropping your phone in a bag of uncooked rice works because the rice draws out moisture, but that's been scientifically debunked many times.
Apple has updated its support documents to warn iPhone users from doing just that. “Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice. Doing so could allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone,” the company advises, instead users should leave their device in a dry area with some airflow. That should generally do the trick. Or just buy a Samsung phone, they have much better water resistance.