Samsung has been
actively updating the Galaxy A8 (2018) and Galaxy A8+ (2018), its best mid-range phones yet, since before the devices went on sale. The A8 and A8+ were among the first devices to get the January 2018 security patch, and while it's a tad too late now for the February patch, Samsung is sending out the latest security fixes to the Galaxy A8 duo. The update also brings improvements to calls, Bluetooth, camera, and Wi-Fi. As usual, the changelog doesn't say exactly what the improvements are, but it's good to see the company supporting its newest mid-range phones so well.
Galaxy A8 (2018) update brings February patch, stability improvements
The Galaxy A8 (2018) and A8+ (2018) update is rolling out in various markets, including Russia and the Netherlands, and will bump the firmware version up to A530FXXU2ARB6 and A730FXXU2ARB6 respectively. The update should pop up on your A8 or A8+ on its own if you're connected to a Wi-Fi network. If waiting is not your thing, you can manually pull the update from the Settings » Software update menu on the device. The over-the-air download comes in at 400 MB, so make sure you have the requisite data bandwidth if you're updating directly from the phone. Needless to say, the new builds are available in our firmware database as well, and the update should also be available via Samsung's Smart Switch software on a PC.
Firmware Details :
Model name
Galaxy A8+
Select country Afghanistan (AFG) Bangladesh (BNG) Bolivia (BVO) Brazil (ZTO) Brazil (Claro) (ZTA) Brazil (TIM) (ZTM) Brazil (VIVO) (ZVV) Cambodia (CAM) Chile (CHO) Colombia (COO) Colombia (Comcel) (COM) Dominican Republic (CDR) Dominican Republic (Orange) (DOR) Ecuador (ECO) Ecuador (Alegro) (ALE) Egypt (EGY) Hong Kong (TGY) India (INS) Indonesia (XID) Iran (THR) Iraq (MID) Israel (ILO) Israel (Cellcom) (CEL) Israel (Orange/Partner) (PTR) Israel (Pelephone) (PCL) Kazakhstan (SKZ) Kenya (AFR) Libya (BTC) Malaysia (XME) Mexico (IUS) Mexico (UNE) Mexico (Telcel) (TCE) Morocco (MAT) (MAT) Morocco (MWD) (MWD) Nepal (NPL) New Zealand (NZC) New Zealand (TNZ) Nigeria (ECT) Pakistan (PAK) (PAK) Panama (TPA) Peru (PEO) Philippines (Open Line) (XTC) Puerto Rico (PCT) Russia (SER) Saudi Arabia (ACR) Saudi Arabia (KSA) Singapore (MM1) Singapore (XSP) Singapore (SingTel) (SIN) Singapore (StarHub) (STH) Sri Lanka (SLK) Taiwan (BRI) Thailand (THL) Trinidad and Tobago (TTT) Trinidad and Tobago (EON) Tunisia (TUN) Turkey (TUR) Ukraine (Kyivstar) (SEK) United Arab Emirates (LYS) United Arab Emirates (XSG) Uzbekistan (CAC) Vietnam (XXV)
Android 7.1.1
Build date
Mon, 19 Feb 2018 09:58:55 +0000
Security Patch Level
Product code
Model name
Galaxy A8
Select country Afghanistan (AFG) Argentina (ANC) Argentina (ARO) Argentina (Claro) (CTI) Argentina (Movistar) (UFN) Argentina (Personal) (PSN) Austria (3 Hutchison) (DRE) Austria (A1) (MOB) Baltic (SEB) Belgium (Proximus) (PRO) Bolivia (BVO) Bosnia and Herzegovina (TEB) Bosnia and Herzegovina (ERO) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM) (BHT) Brazil (ZTO) Brazil (Claro) (ZTA) Brazil (Oi) (ZTR) Brazil (TIM) (ZTM) Brazil (VIVO) (ZVV) Bulgaria (BGL) Cambodia (CAM) Chile (CHO) Chile (Claro) (CHL) Chile (Telefonica) (CHT) Chile (VTR) (CHV) Colombia (COL) Colombia (COO) Colombia (Comcel) (COM) Colombia (Movistar) (COB) Croatia (Bonbon) (DHR) Croatia (T-Mobile) (CRO) Croatia (VIPNET) (VIP) Cyprus (CYV) Czech Republic (XEZ) Czech Republic (O2C) (O2C) Czech Republic (T-Mobile) (TMZ) Czech Republic (Vodafone) (VDC) Dominican Republic (CDR) Dominican Republic (Orange) (DOR) Ecuador (EBE) Ecuador (ECO) Ecuador (Alegro) (ALE) Egypt (EGY) France (XEF) France (Bouygues) (BOG) France (Orange) (FTM) France (SFR) (SFR) Greece (EUR) Greece (Cosmote) (COS) Greece (Vodafone) (VGR) Guatemala (TGU) Guatemala (PGU) Guatemala (Tigo) (CGU) Hungary (XEH) Hungary (T-mobile) (TMH) Hungary (Telenor) (PAN) Hungary (VDH) (VDH) Indonesia (XID) Iran (THR) Iraq (MID) Israel (ILO) Israel (Cellcom) (CEL) Israel (Orange/Partner) (PTR) Israel (Pelephone) (PCL) Italy (ITV) Italy (H3G) (HUI) Italy (TIM) (TIM) Italy (Vodafone) (OMN) Jamaica (CWW) Kazakhstan (SKZ) Libya (BTC) Luxembourg (LUX) Macedonia (T-Mobile) (MBM) Malaysia (XME) Mexico (IUS) Mexico (Telcel) (TCE) Morocco (MAT) (MAT) Morocco (MWD) (MWD) Netherlands (PHN) Netherlands (Ben NL) (DNL) Netherlands (T-Mobile) (TNL) Netherlands (Vodafone) (VDF) New Zealand (TNZ) New Zealand (NZC) New Zealand (Vodafone) (VNZ) Nordic countries (NEE) Norway (Telenor) (TEN) Open Austria (ATO) Pakistan (PAK) (PAK) Panama (TPA) Panama (Claro) (CPA) Peru (PEO) Philippines (Globe) (GLB) Philippines (Open Line) (XTC) Philippines (Smart) (SMA) Poland (XEO) Poland (Heyah) (DPL) Poland (Orange) (OPV) Poland (T-mobile) (TPL) Portugal (MEO) Portugal (TPH) (TPH) Portugal (Vodafone) (TCL) Romania (ROM) Romania (Orange) (ORO) Romania (Vodafone) (CNX) Russia (SER) Saudi Arabia (KSA) Serbia (Telenor) (MSR) Serbia (VIP) (TOP) Singapore (XSP) Singapore (MM1) Singapore (SingTel) (SIN) Singapore (StarHub) (STH) Slovakia (TMS) Slovakia (ORS) Slovakia (ORX) Slovenia (Mobitel) (MOT) Slovenia (Si.mobil) (SIM) South Africa (XFE) South Africa (XFA) South Africa (Vodafone) (XFV) South East Europe (SEE) Spain (PHE) Spain (Movistar) (XEC) Spain (Orange) (AMO) Spain (Vodafone) (ATL) Switzerland (AUT) Switzerland (Swisscom) (SWC) Taiwan (BRI) Thailand (THL) Thailand (MPT, Mectel) (MYM) Trinidad and Tobago (TTT) Trinidad and Tobago (EON) Tunisia (TUN) Turkey (TUR) Ukraine (Kyivstar) (SEK) United Arab Emirates (XSG) United Arab Emirates (LYS) Unknown (XNZ) Uruguay (UPO) Uruguay (Claro) (CTU) Uzbekistan (CAC) Vietnam (XXV)
Android 7.1.1
Build date
Mon, 19 Feb 2018 09:57:24 +0000
Security Patch Level
Product code