Samsung has launched the Galaxy Fit 3, its cheapest fitness tracking device, in the USA. It will complement Samsung's lineup of Galaxy Watches, which currently includes the Galaxy Watch FE, Galaxy Watch 7, and Galaxy Watch Ultra.
Galaxy Fit 3 comes with a $60 price tag in the USA
The Galaxy Fit 3 will be available for purchase in the USA starting January 9. The affordable fitness-tracking device was launched early last year but was only available in markets outside the USA. The Galaxy Fit 3 is priced at $60 and comes in three colors: Grey, Pink Gold, and Silver.
The fitness tracker has a full-color 1.6-inch OLED screen and a full-aluminum casing. It has an accelerometer, gyro, and a heart-rate monitor. It can track your activities like steps and workouts and track your sleep duration and quality.
Samsung claims that the Galaxy Fit 3 can last up to 13 days on a single charge. It has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. It can survive up to 5 ATM of pressure under water. Other features include Fall Detection and Emergency SOS.
Watch our Galaxy Watch 7 hands-on video below.
It lacks GPS, though. So, if you are a runner or cycler, you will be disappointed, as the Galaxy Fit 3 can't reliably track the distance if you leave your phone at home.
Image Credits: Samsung