Earlier this month, Samsung released the June 2023 security update to the US variants of the Galaxy Note 20 and the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. Now, the company is expanding the availability of the new security update to Galaxy Note 20 series units in more countries. The update is now available in Latin America.
The latest software update for the 5G variants of the Galaxy Note 20 and the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra comes with firmware version N98xBXXU7HWF3. The update includes the June 2023 security update that fixes over 60 security shortcomings found in previous versions of Samsung's Galaxy phones and tablets. The update doesn't bring any new features.
Galaxy Note 20 June 2023 security update: What's new?
If you have a Galaxy Note 20 series phone in Latin American countries, you can now check for the new update. To do that, navigate to Settings » Software update and tap Download and install. You can also download the new firmware file from our firmware database and flash it manually.
The Galaxy Note 20 series is Samsung's last Galaxy Note series of devices. The Galaxy Note 20 series launched in the second half of 2020 with Android 10 onboard. The devices received the Android 11 update in late 2020, the Android 12 update in late 2021, and the Android 13 update in late 2022.