Unlocked Galaxy Note 8 gets Oreo in the UK
The Galaxy Note 8 Oreo update brings you exactly the same new features and changes that are a part of the Galaxy S8 Oreo update. We have a detailed look on many of those features available at this link, and Samsung's official infographic also walks you through the major changes brought by version 9.0 of the Samsung Experience UX. Core Android Oreo features such as autofill and picture-in-picture mode are included as well, though there's no support for Project Treble (Google has claimed that it is working with OEMs to bring Project Treble to existing devices, but it doesn't look like Samsung is one of those OEMs).
To download the update, open the Settings app on your Galaxy Note 8, tap Software update, then select the Download updates manually option. As usual, it may not show up for your device right away, so keep checking back every few minutes. We will soon have the complete firmware files for the update available in our database, and we'll be sure to update this article when that happens.