Offline pre-bookings for the Galaxy S21 series were reportedly opened in India nearly a month ago for customers who were willing to pay a reservation fee of around $27, but no additional information regarding the final price tag and pre-order incentives were revealed last month. Now, a new report has seemingly revealed that customers who plan to go through with the pre-order process will indeed benefit from a few freebies, such as a pair of wireless earbuds and the new Smart Tag that should be unveiled at Unpacked on January 14.
More precisely, Galaxy S21 and Galaxy S21+ pre-orders will be paired with the aforementioned Smart Tag and the Galaxy Buds Live for free. The top-tier Galaxy S21 Ultra will apparently be offered on pre-order terms along with the Smart Tag and the upcoming Galaxy Buds Pro.
These pre-order incentive will be available in select markets
Even though customers in India have had a head start in the race for acquiring the Galaxy S21 flagship series, it remains unclear whether or not these attractive freebies will be offered in the country. According to the source, the Smart Tag and Galaxy Buds pre-order incentives will be valid for Galaxy S21 customers in select European and international markets. Samsung may have prepared other freebies for different regions and we'll keep you up to speed as soon as we find out more.
Based on preliminary information, the Galaxy Buds Pro earbuds might hit the shelves for around $230, whereas the Smart Tag is likely to be available for roughly $15.
SamsungGalaxy S21
SamsungGalaxy S21+
SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra