Samsung fans in India can now take advantage of a great offer on the Galaxy S22+, thanks to the ongoing Diwali Sale offered by Samsung's partner retailer Flipkart. For a limited time, Flipkart customers can save almost one-third on the Galaxy S22+, or 31%.
Although the Galaxy S22+ at Flipkart usually costs INR 101,999 ($1,240), the flagship phone is now available for INR 69,999 ($850). These prices correspond to the Galaxy S22+ variant featuring 128GB of storage.
Flipkart has also cut the price of the 256GB Galaxy S22+, but “only” by 16%. As a result, the phone now costs INR 88,999 ($1,081) instead of INR 105,999 ($1,287).
The Galaxy S22 will be the first Samsung phone to receive One UI 5.0
Samsung has been working on the Android 13-based One UI 5.0 update for a couple of months, and after several beta releases, the wait is almost over. The company announced at SDC22 that the Galaxy S22 series will be the first to get Android 13 later this month, although Indian customers might have to wait until November or later before they can enjoy the new firmware. Or they can try joining the beta program, assuming that Samsung still accepts applications.
If you're considering buying the Galaxy S22+ for early access to One UI 5.0, check out the links below for more details. Keep in mind that Samsung will release the successor to the Galaxy S22 series in Q1 2023, so it's up to you to decide whether it's better to wait or to take advantage of a lower price on the 2022 flagship phone.
- Buy the Galaxy S22+ at Flipkart on Diwali Sale