The recently-launched Galaxy Z Flip 4 comes with a slimmer body, thinner bezels, a reinforced and flat hinge, and a better battery. All these reasons are not only lucrative for new buyers but also for Galaxy Z Flip 3 owners. It was more exciting for the Galaxy Z Flip 3 owners as they got a chance to upgrade to the Galaxy Z Flip 4 for a minimal cost, all thanks to the excellent trade-in value Samsung was offering.
On the launch day, the Galaxy Z Flip 4 was offered an enhanced trade-in credit of up to $900. This made the remaining cost of the phone as low as $99. This deal was the best because the Galaxy Z Flip 3 was eligible for the full trade-in credit of $900. So, all you needed to do was trade in your Galaxy Z Flip 3, pay around $100 extra, and get the brand-new Galaxy Z Flip 4.
$900 trade-in credit for the Galaxy Z Flip 3 still available for some users
But as of yesterday, is now showing two options. Apparently, on the launch day, the trade-in drop-down menu showed only one option for the Galaxy Z Flip 3, earning the full $900 credit. But now, the 128GB model is eligible for $700 credit, while the 256GB model earns $900 in credit towards the cost of the Galaxy Z Flip 4. Interestingly, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 only charged an additional $100 to jump from 128GB to 256GB.
The difference in the Galaxy Z Flip 3 trade-in value has kicked in 24 hours ago. But the change doesn't seem to appear retroactively for everyone. Because one user is reportedly still seeing the full $900 credit on the Galaxy Z Flip 3 model. There is no official word from Samsung on this yet.
Thankfully, if the full trade-in credit isn't available in your region, Samsung is still offering the $200 instant credit with Galaxy Z Flip 4 pre-orders along with a free case, double the storage at no additional cost, and more.
SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 4